4 essentials before you implement Online Radiation Monitoring System (ORMS)

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, devices, vehicles, buildings and other items which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data which is called Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication.
Online Radiation Monitoring System
ORMS is an IoT application which collects the data from the sensor nodes and publishes it to cloud. All the analytic work will take place on Cloud. ORMS will be installed in an Edge node running on Linux OS and has serial port, USB port, Ethernet port or a WiFi to connect and communicate with the sensor nodes.
Development environment setup
ORMS is developed by using Kura/OSGi. OSGi is a java based framework which has small modules called bundles which run in light weight container. Kura is a Java/OSGi-based framework for IoT gateways. Kura APIs offer access to the underlying hardware (serial ports, GPS, watchdog, GPIOs, I2C, etc.), management of network configurations, communication with M2M/IoT Integration Platforms, and gateway management.
ORMS contains one main application OSGi bundle and four communication OSGI bundles called weather sensor communication bundle, GM tube communication bundle, Anti tamper communication bundle and MCA communication bundle. Main application bundle is the main bundle that depends on other communication bundles that will organize the collected data from sensor devices and publish it to cloud as a whole.
ORMS Configurations
Main bundle has configurations like longitude and latitude value of the device, how frequently data should be fetched from sensor devices, port name and data_bit of the devices to connect etc. Data fetch from devices and publish to Everyware cloud with configured time interval set by the user from Kura/ESF web UI.
Cloud space for all devices
While fetching data from sensor device if error/failure occurs in sensor device, Main application will immediately publish corresponding alarm to Everyware Cloud. For example when Anti tamper screw is opened or tampered. User can login to Everyware cloud and monitor or manipulate with result data.