VMworld 2019: Make your Mark, Get Set, Go!

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VMworld undoubtedly makes its way to the “must-attend event” list of most technologists.
The VMworld experience is sure to leave an indelible mark in your professional career. You could have any reason to attend this event- you may want to generate a lot of awareness around your products, or connect with like-minded individuals. You you may also want to learn technologies, or you may want a little bit of everything. Whatever your end goal, we want to make sure that you are prepared to take on the palpable energy of this magnanimous event without breaking into a sweat. Attending VMworld is half the battle won. But the other half and more challenging part of VMworld would be to make it a great experience.
To help you achieve that, we are going to help you work your way around VMworld.
Planning your Sessions
You can choose from several sessions at VMworld. It may seem overwhelming to create a foolproof schedule for yourself. However, you only have to create a rough schedule and improvise once you are at the event. The 1250+ sessions at VMworld 2019 are bifurcated into
- Breakout Session
- Design Studio Workshop
- Education & Certification Lounge theater session
- Exam Guide review
- Expert Roundtable
- general Session
- Hands-on labs expert-led workshop
- Hands-on labs self-paced lab
- Industry session
- Panel discussion
- Partner general session
- Partner lounge theater
- Professional Development
- Showcase Keynote
- Solutions Exchange Theater
- Tutorial
- VMTN TechTalk
- VMware {code}Workshop
To choose the right sessions for yourself, sort them based on a convenient day, topic, and the level of business or technical value it provides.
Technologies that will Create a Buzz
VMworld is considered, by many, a hotbed for product and solutions debut. This year VMworld has chosen some of the most buzzing technologies as highlights for their sessions and talks. Per our understanding, the trending technologies that you can discuss at VMworld are:
a. Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid cloud involves capabilities that enable businesses to carry various operations across devices in a common operating environment.
b. Modern Applications
Kubernetes and Containers are two of the most trending cloud native technologies. You can strike up a conversation to share what you think of the future of containers and K8s.
c. IT Infrastructure Automation
The growing complexity of IT infrastructure begs for a means to simplify operational management. You can look at solutions that make your data centers more cloud-friendly and enable DevOps at the enterprise level.
d. 5G and IoT
Enterprises need to introspect how their existing infrastructure stands to cope with the onslaught of 5G and IoT. Discuss your views on the need for storage architecture that scales with gigantic data consumption at a consistent speed.
e. Networking & Security
Almost every emerging technology – virtual and cloud networking, including network virtualization, logical network services, network management will need to be equipped with the most adaptable and advanced means of security.
f. Cloud Native Computing
Product management requires a consistent, automated, fluid, and nimble approach backed by a continuous improvement mechanism. You can discuss the need for Container-based virtualization (CaaS – Container as a Service), Microservices enabled the deployment, DevOps powered agility, and continuous feedback for higher cloud adaptability.
g. Lab-as-a-Service
Automation is imperative for enterprises that aim to contend with the accelerated digital growth, without compromising on novelty. Innovation-first lab environment implements tedious developmental process with a continuous improvement cycle. Businesses need to deploy robust lab-as-a-Service partners that upholdthe modern application benchmarks.
Evening Events at VMworld 2019
The evening events of VMworld have a fan base of their own. The evening events include for VMworld 2019 US include-
- VMworld Fest: The VMworld party, which will be on August 28 will be held at the dynamic Civic Center Plaza. This party is synonymous with great food, dancing and band performance by some great bands. The main attraction this year will be the Grammy award-winning band- One Republic
- Welcome Reception: Kick off your VMworld experience at the welcome reception, sponsored by Veeam, in the Solutions Exchange on Sunday, August 25. You can get acquaint yourself with the 200+ exhibitors on the show floor, network with fellow attendees, pick up some new swag, and enjoy some good food.
- Hall crawl: The hall crawl is a great way to get up and close with VMware’s ecosystem. You can get in-depth product(s) information and an opportunity to socialize at the sponsor booths.
- A cup of Coffee with MSys experts: Our solutions architects who are going to be there at VMworld would love to catch up with you over a hot cuppa or a chilled beer. Just tweet with a #MSysatVMworld and we’ll connect you with them!
NewV’s at VMworld
VMworld has a special breakout session that aims to induct newbies (a.k.a. NewV’s) to the event. The team will guide you on planning sessions, and navigate through VMworld 2019 US. You will learn tips and tricks to make the most of your VMworld experience. You can also use this ready platform to break the ice and connect with other NewV’s on the floor. Tip: Don’t forget to download the VMworld app from the app store and android playstore well in advance. You can create and access personal schedules, conference agenda, sponsor/exhibitor profiles, session information, social media and much more through the app.
So those are the most important hotspots of VMworld 2019 US. If you’re attending VMworld 2019, you may want to start prepping now (in case you haven’t already!). On your mark…